For many seniors in the Magic Valley the Golden Years just don’t seem so shiny. Pain, stiffness, and disability associated with aging can often tarnish those Golden Years. The physical decline can lead to decreased activity, social isolation, and depression. Unfortunately, many seniors rely on pain medications just to function day to day. Others turn to surgery in an attempt to regain lost mobility and function. Chiropractic care, especially when combined with standard medical care, can lead to better outcome foe seniors with low back pain.
One study funded by the National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health (part of the US Department of Health and Human Services) found that chiropractic care for seniors with spine conditions was associated with a “protective effect”.
Researchers reported that chiropractic was associated with a significant protective effect against 1-year decline in activities of daily living, lifting, bending, mobility, and rate of health decline. More interestingly, researchers also indicated that Medicare patients who use chiropractic also have higher levels of satisfaction with their overall health and care.
Weigel, P.A., Hockenberry, J.M, Wolinsky, F.D. (2014). Chiropractic use in the Medicare population: prevalence, patterns, and associations with 1-year changes in health and satisfaction with care. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 37(8):542–551.
A second study from the journal Spine, reported that standard medical care combined with chiropractic is more effective for low back pain than alone. 73% of participants in the combination therapy group rated their global improvement as completely gone, much better, or moderately better, compared with 17% in the standard medical care group.
Goertz, C.M., Long, C.R., Hondras, M.A., Petri, R., Delgado, R., Lawrence, D.J., Owens, E.F., Meeker, W.C. (2013). Adding Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy to Standard Medical Care for Patients with Acute Low Back Pain: Results of a Pragmatic Randomized Comparative Effectiveness Study. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). Apr 15;38(8):627-34
Dr. Arrington is Twin Falls' chiropractor who utilizes integrative methods in the care of his senior patients. He takes Medicare and most other major insurance policies. Dr. Arrington, a Twin Falls chiropractic physician with 15 years of experience, is also licensed to provide standard medical care as a family nurse practitioner. Dr. Arrington provides the highest quality integrated care to the Twin Falls and Magic Valley communities. If you are looking for the best Twin Falls chiropractor providing the highest level of chiropractic care in the Magic Valley, give us a call today to see how we can “Help YOU get BACK to being YOU!”
Dr. Rusty Arrington